"Bloody noses made them friends, But the giving sound to the bruised places in their hearts made them brothers."
-- Gloria Naylor

15 July, 2011

Peaceful Love & Rock Festival

"Sumimasen! Kippu?" I asked a clerk at Family Mart as I pointed to a advertisement in a magazine. What I was trying to ask was: "Do you have Peaceful Love & Rock tickets?". But not knowing how to say that I just said "Excuse me! Ticket?" and pointed to the ad for it.

As it turns out, the tickets were sold-out. So, I walked back home a little disappointed but understanding. My mom, however, was not so understanding. She wanted me to go to that concert no matter what. The concert was tomorrow and we didn't have tickets. So, frustrated, she drove all the way to Lawson to get some tickets. By the way, these are all convenience stores and they have red boxes you can get tickets from. When she came back she was looking solemn so I thought she couldn't find any. "That's okay." I had said. Then, she jumped up like someone had shot her with excitement and said, "Yeah, Baby!...Party Like a Rock Star...!" She had got the tickets!

The next morning I slept in. When I woke I had some breakfast. After that, Mommy and I got ready. While getting ready I cut a funky design on the back of my mom's shirt. When we got into the car she said, "Alright, let's Rock and Roll!"

We arrived at the concert fashionably late (as always). Found a nice patch of dirt to sit on and watched, as we let the music take us.

The concert was awesome! It was kinda like battle of the bands without the battle. Bands of all genres played out there. My favorite bands were an all boy band, an all girl band called Stereopony, and All Japan Goith. There was another band that I liked as well. I didn't like their music too much but their performance was enjoyable. Mind you, this was a Japanese festival. I didn't understand anything (as most bands were shouting, and I'm still learning the language!) they were saying. But All Japan Goith did play 'I Shot The Sheriff' so I understood that. The band with the most entertaining performance had a guy that looked like Jonah Hill from far away. Just not as big. He was a funny guy. At the end of their performance he jumped off the stage. He stayed there for some time, I thought he was injured. But then suddenly he jumped up and ran out of the park with some security guy chasing him. That was hilarious! We had an awesome time even though the rest of the the bands were kind of cheesy. I am forever grateful I got to go. That day, too, I will remember for the rest of my life.

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