"Bloody noses made them friends, But the giving sound to the bruised places in their hearts made them brothers."
-- Gloria Naylor

29 October, 2011

5K Run

A couple weeks ago my mom signed my father and I up for a 5K Back To School Run. When she signed us up there was nobody else signed up. So, we were definitely going. As some of you may already know; I used to run track. So running isn't new to me. But long distance is new, and I don't even like running. You can go head and imagine how I felt being woken up at 6:00 am to run...........(your imagination is flowing)............exactly.

Yet, I had to be positive about it because, well, I had no choice. So I ran every morning for a week until finally, came Saturday, August 13, 2011, (I guess it deserves that whole date) the day of the run. *DUN DUN DAAAAAAHHH* I have to admit I was nervous. I mean I had never ran a 5K before and my dad and I were barely trained for it. Plus, there was a whole bunch of people there. But, we signed in, stretched and were on are way. I thought I was doing pretty great until my calf's really started bothering me. And, soon enough I started walking. The route was pretty easy and mostly down-hill until there was a HUGE up-hill part. That was the hardest part of the whole entire run. However, I was proud of myself for not being the last person to cross the finish line. And I crossed it running. My time was also shorter than I expected too. It was 37 minutes and my dad's was 32 minutes. I think we did pretty good for not really training for it. And, I believe we'll be doing another one in October!

1 comment:

Muslim Mommy said...

That's great niece!

Of course this post was exciting to me because running means a lot in my life. Well, I haven't ran for a year because of pregnancy and being a mommy, but I long for it, I truly do. Running is one of those hard things that prove to be rewarding in the end. There's something almost spiritual about running to me- it's like yoga is for some people: a time to let everything go and just run. Hope you all are doing fantastic!

-Aunt Kaye