"Bloody noses made them friends, But the giving sound to the bruised places in their hearts made them brothers."
-- Gloria Naylor

28 July, 2011

Ryukyu Mura

I'm sure most of you know that Okinawa was originally it's own country. Japan attacked it and took over. Alot of elders like to consider Okinawa as Okinawa, not Japan. So, it's best to say "I'm going to Okinawa for a visit." Not "I'm going to Japan for a visit."

Okinawa was originally called Ryukyu kingdom. Their religion is not worshiping a god. Instead, their elders and ancestors. They are tombs of all shapes and sizes all around Okinawa. My favorite is the turtle tomb. Here is a picture of it:

Very interesting shape.  Anyway, at Ryukyu Mura we learned about what Okinawa used to be like. We saw some old houses that were moved from their original location to Ryukyu Mura. We had tea and Japanese "doughnuts" in one of those old houses.

Here is the slide show for this entry:

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